November 2, 2022

Ultrasound gaining popularity after EEXI and CII has been on the table

Danish ship owners are showing the way towards improved propeller efficiency by means of ultrasonic protection of the propeller, but the Norwegians are coming!

The Energy Efficiency existing ship Index (EEXI) is a measure introduced by the IMO to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of ships. The EEXI is a measure related to the technical design of a ship. Ships have to attain EEXI approval once in a lifetime, by the first periodical survey in 2023 at the latest.

In the picture captured from the Danish Shipping news house Søfart, they tell us about the Danish owner Torm that is having a headstart with protecting their propellers with ultrasound aboard sixty of their ships, and now talks about ultrasonic protection of hull as well.

In Norway five ship owners within the deep sea shipping segment have installed our Hasytec ultrasonic antifouling system so far, and we are as we speak negotiating with additional four.

For more information, please contact our Ole Andre Grebstad +47 9760 3595

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